What is Cisco Packet Tracer?

What is Cisco Packet Tracer?

Packet Tracer is software developed by Cisco in the NetAcad training department. This “simulation” software allows you to design multiple scenarios in the field of networks because it will enable you to develop different types of networks with wired and wireless media such as LAN, MAN, and WAN; it allows you to use dynamic routing protocols such as OSPF, IGRP, EIGRP, BGP, RIP, and static.

It also allows for the development of convergent networks by implementing equipment with multiple services that act as servers; all transmitted and retransmitted packets (TCP protocol) can be visualized by a traffic analyzer that includes the program, which allows seeing how negotiation is set up Different transmission and routing protocols makes their understanding easier.

Packet Tracer is available for Windows (32 and 64-bit), Linux (64-bit only), Android, and iOS. You must be logged in to access your content.

Installing it on Android, iOS, and Windows requires no additional steps than downloading your installer from executable Windows from the relevant application market (Google Play Store, App Store) or Web page.

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